Magdi Mahgoub

CS student pursuing a career in computer software.

Currently in university.

Looking for experience.

Always determined.

Hello, my name is Magdi and I'm a computer science student at the University of East Anglia. I'm currently looking for experience, either with an internship or part-time employment. I've been working with computing since a young age and they revolve around me for most of my work.

I have around three years of programming experience. In addition, I am experienced with several types of software and scripting. Apart from computing, I also have a keen interest in music, and in my free time you can also find me working with music editing software in my free time.

I have obtained 8 A*-C GSCE grades in secondary school, including an A in Mathematics, and 280 UCAS points through A-levels in sixth form, including a B in Computer Science. I also spent a few weeks as a data clerk at the Kings College Hospital in London as part of my secondary school work experience.

Here's a list of programming languages and software I'm experienced with:

Note: I am currently in the middle of studies, so expect these to change any time soon. This portfolio will be updated.


I've been learning and studying HTML since secondary school.


Similarly to HTML, I have a great grasp on CSS and design.


I have not learnt JavaScript as long as HTML/CSS, but as part of my course I have written websites using JavaScript.


Out of all the programming languages, I have the most experience in Python, spending two years with it as part of my A-level.


I have spent about half a year with C++ in university to get my head around C-related languages and advanced object-oriented programming.


I am currently learning Java in my university course, which will last about year. I will learn to create advanced programs and packages.


I have experience from university preparing documents in LaTeX. If you've come here from my CV, you may have notice that I edited in via LaTeX!

Linux services

I work a lot with Linux, having used it for many years. I'm experienced in Bash, Emacs, and other essential Linux software.

Dev Links

Find Me On...

I've worked on several projects, either as part of my education, optional projects/courses, or simply spare time. Check them out! More will be added here as my course progresses.

Web Projects

Software Projects and Documents

Upcoming Program Project


Questions? Contact me and I'll be sure to respond as soon as possible!