Meds 3 July, 2024
A wise girl once said:
“Mental illnesses are like horoscopes, you just look up symptoms that loosely fit your personality.”
Fluoxetine, also known as Prozac, is an SSRI. I’ve been on-and-off it for a year and a half now. Consultant psychiatrist said it was for OCD. However, I’m starting to doubt them more and more now. On 60mg of fluoxetine, I see no improvement. Instead, I become unmotivated, and strangely violent. I’ve had anger management issues in the past, but I never thought I’d have something like that until on this glorified placebo.
So fuck it, I’m clean again. Either I get new medication, or I just find other ways to cope with the black waves. I think I found a decent strategy with the use of blocklists, expeditions, and generally just keeping myself busy.